Lucas Equine Equipment
paddock gates are crafted with the same attention to detail and style as our
horse stalls and stable doors. When selecting paddock
gates, you can rely on Lucas Equine Equipment to do the job right for you. We take great pride in our craftsmanship and
it shows.
Confining horses to a paddock at appropriate intervals gives pastures time to rejuvenate. When it comes to selecting paddock gates for your farm, there’s no better choice than Lucas Equine Equipment.
Setting up individual paddocks in close proximity to one another can allow for important social interaction. You’ll find no other paddock gate on the market that can surpass Lucas Equine Equipment.
Having the perfect horse paddock will be better for your horse’s health and more efficient for you. Having the right paddock gates is a necessity for having the perfect horse paddock.One paddock per horse makes it easy to monitor each horse’s health and to regulate individual intake of food and water.
How many paddocks do you have on your farm? How big are they? That depends on the amount of usable land and the number of horses you have, the number to be placed in each paddock at one time and how long they’ll be out each day. And with the correct number of paddocks comes the need for the right paddock gates.That’s where we come in. Lucas Equine Equipment has the perfect paddock gates for any size farm.
When installed properly, paddock gates offer a safe point for your horses to enter and exit. For maximum convenience, place your paddock gates as close as possible to the entry/exit point of your barn. This will save time. For a horse turnout area, a 6’ to 8’ gate is usually sufficient. Small farm equipment can also fit through this size area.Equipment such as smaller mower decks, bush hogs and small manure spreaders could require an 8’ gate.Half-ton trucks usually need a 10’ gate, while feed trucks need a 12’ entry. If your farm has hay equipment, consider a 16’ gate. Handling a large gate with a horse in hand can be difficult.It may be easier for you to have a small horse turnaround gate in one area and a large, equipment gate in another area.
A 14-guage paddock gate is stronger than a 19-guage gate. This is important for the life of the gate. And because gate areas are often a place where horses congregate, you need to have a secure, strong gate.
There are many factors to consider when selecting the right paddock gates for your farm. Lucas Equine Equipment firmly believes we build a superior product to anything else on the market today and we feel we stand apart from all our competition.Our craftsmanship is of the highest quality. We pride ourselves in providing you with products you will be proud of, not only when they are brand new, but also for years to come. Check out various Lucas Equine paddock gates on our website. Then, contact one of our design experts to create a formal quote to your exact specifications. Our design experts will help you select the right paddock gates that will meet your needs and save you money.
To get started, all you need to do is let us know what you are looking for and Lucas Equine Equipment will get to work on the details.